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Findfriendz / Blogs / Acne Cream and Natural Serums to Treat those Nasty Acne Breakouts

Acne Cream and Natural Serums to Treat those Nasty Acne Breakouts
Published On: 05th Oct 2016 02:44 am

Just because you’ve had acne doesn’t mean you’re an expert on acne treatment. As a matter of fact the biggest mistake most acne sufferers commit is thinking that pimples don’t need special treatment. However, acne control shouldn’t be taken lightly. 

There are factors that influence their appearance and if not taken seriously, can two-fold into something even more problematic. This is why it is of the utmost importance that you find the best treatments for acne. 
Some greedy cosmetic companies ’spice-up’ their highest selling cream with harsh chemicals and repackage it as their version of an effective acne skin care treatment. So, how does one keep their skin safe from these culprits? Well, let’s start by getting you acquainted with acne and then you’ll know what the best acne treatment product should offer. 

Acne causes 
There are 3 main factors that can cause an acne blemish to appear. Not all these factors are easy to control, but there is a natural skin care cream that has shown significant results in controlling most of them. Three of the main factors are as follows: 

* Over active Sebaceous Glands: The body produces bodily oils that are used to lubricate the skin’s surface. When the production goes into overdrive the hair follicles become blocked. 
* Abnormal Desquamation: The epidermis is in the constant process of shedding dead skin cells. The process seems affected in acne prone skin, producing 4 to 5 times more skin cells than normal. 
* Proliferation of Bacteria: Propionibacteria acnes (P. acnes) are bacteria that are routinely found on most skin. Originally it will begin with a sebum plug that is created mixing sebum and skin debris. The P. acnes is now found surrounded by a rich environment where it can quickly thrive and populate. 
Inexorably, acne pimples appear when sebum is trapped within the hair follicle. This inevitably creates a rich feeding ground for bacteria to reproduce. The immune response to acne lesions is to send white blood cells to stop the infection. This process leads to the formation of what we call a pimple. Once a pimple has appeared our bad habits kick-in and we either pop the zit or coat it in some crazy homemade acne recipe. Either way, you’re not dealing with the real problem. 
Since acne breakouts are primarily caused by strong outflows of sebum that erupt from within the skin to surface, then it is highly important that you find a product that treats the root cause of acne. This means that since our immune system reacts to injury with an inflammatory response we need a product that will aid our own immune system at the site of the acne lesion. This can be done by choosing a natural product that contains ingredients capable of unclogging closed pores and helping restore damaged skin cells. 
As mentioned above, acne creams are often harsh on your skin and usually contain a lot of chemicals, so if you rather go with a natural treatment option there are quite a few on the market. Always remember to look at the whole list of ingredients, if it is just some of the ingredients that are natural, you should move on to the next product. Some natural ingredients that you could keep an eye out for are: *Helix Aspersa Muller extract, this extract contains antioxidants and will also support the immune system. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. *Licorice Root extract, this extract inhibits sebum oil production. It is also an anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant. *Inca Inchi Oil, this oil contains Omega-3 which has anti-inflammatory properties and it can correct the amount of linoleic acid in the hair follicles, which is a big factor when it comes to reducing the sebum output.
About the Author: Lisa Johnsson’s Profile