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Quotations about Haste

If you must be in a hurry, then let it be according to the old adage, and hasten slowly.
~Saint Vincent de Paul
God made time, but man made haste.
~Irish Proverb
He is invariably in a hurry. Being in a hurry is one of the tributes he pays to life.
~Elizabeth Bibesco
Whoever is in a hurry shows that the thing he is about is too big for him.
~Lord Chesterfield
It has been left to our generation to discover that you can move heaven and earth to save five minutes and then not have the faintest idea what to do with them when you have saved them.
~C.E.M. Joad
Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.
~John Wesley
The devil takes a hand in what is done in haste.
~Turkish Proverb
Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
~Lao Tzu
Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.
~Soren Kierkegaard
I regret less the road not taken than my all-fired hurry along the road I took.
~Robert Brault, www.robertbrault.com
Remember the great adversity of art or anything else is a hurried life.
~Robert James Waller
I'm in a hurry to get things done
Oh I rush and rush until life's no fun
All I've really gotta do is live and die
But I'm in a hurry and don't know why....

~Roger Murrah and Randy VanWarmer
This strange disease of modern life, with its sick hurry, its divided aims.
~Matthew Arnold
I don't like where I'm going and I don't like where I've been. Why am I in a hurry?
~Bertolt Brecht
Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday.
~A.A. Milne
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
~St Francis de Sales
He bites his tongue who speaks in haste.
~Turkish Proverb
Waiting is one of life's hardships.
~Lemony Snicket
I don't know why it is we are in such a hurry to get up when we fall down. You might think we would lie there and rest for a while.
~Max Eastman