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Joel's Profile
Blacktown, New South Wales, Australia
Born: 23 Jun 1974 (50years)

Movies By Joel

Joel Edgerton
Joel Edgerton was born on 23 June, 1974 in Blacktown, New South Wales, Australia. He went to Hills Grammar School in the Western Suburbs of Sydney, and after leaving, he attended Nepean Drama School in 1994. Joel has done many projects on stage and off, but most people will recognize him from his work on the Australian television show, The Secret Life Of Us, in which he played the character of Will. This gave him his first big break through in the television industry. For this role, he was nominated in 2001 for an AFI Award. As well as The Secret Life of Us, he has also appeared in other television projects such as The Three Stooges (2000) (TV), "Dossa and Joe" (2002), Secret Men’s Business (1999) (TV), Never Tell Me Never (1998) (TV), and Saturn’s Return (2001) (TV). Joel has done a lot of work on the theatrical stage having played King Henry in Henry V, Prince Hal in Henry III, and others including Road, Third World Blues, and Dead White Males. As well as acting he has also starred, co-written and produced the movie Bloodlock.

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