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24, Male, 1, 1, Andorra
Member since: 24 Jan 2012
Last visit: 14 Feb 2012 14:16 pm

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i want to make friends and m single redie 2 mingle

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stp drmin strt livin....

m קäЯÁƧฬáℓïá from Hansraj model school ,Cool, Friendly,Ambrosial, appealing, attractive, captivating, charming, cute, darling, dear, delectable, delicious, delightful, dishy, fetching, heavenly, lovable, luscious, pleasing, precious, sexy, suave, archangelic, beatific, beneficient, celestial, cherubic, devout, divine, entrancing, ethereal, godly, good, heavenly, holy, humble, innocent, lovely, otherworldly, pure, radial, rapturous, righteous, saintly, self-sacrificing, seraphic, virtuous, greeable, ambrosial, appetizing, charming, choice, dainty, darling, delicate, delightful, divine, enjoyable, enticing, exquisite, gratifying, heavenly, inviting, luscious, lush, palatable, pleasant, pleasurable, rare, sapid, satisfying, savory, scrumptious, tasty, toothsome, yummy, amusing, boisterous, convivial, diverting, enjoyable, entertaining, good, lively, merry, pleasant, witty, accurate, all right, always there, authentic, authoritative, believable, convincing, credible, dependable, down home, ethical, exact, fly right, honest, honorable, kosher, level-headed, mature, open, plausible, principled, realistic, responsible, righteous, rock, saint, secure, sensible, square, steadfast, straight, there, tried, true, true blue, trustable, trusty, truthful, unfailing, up front, upright, valid, veracious, candid, forthright, frank, honest, open, overt, right on, square, scholarly, sound,altruistic, candid, careful, certain, conscientious, constant, decent, decisive, definite, dependable, determined, devoted, faithful, firm, good, high-principled, honest, honorable, impeachable, incorrupt, loyal, OK, positive, predictable, proved, regular, reputable, respectable, responsible, righteous, safe, sincere, solid, sound, stable, staunch, steadfast, steady, sterling, strong, sure, there, true, true-hearted, trusty, unequivocal, unfailing, upright, incommensurable, incomparable, offbeat, unsimilar, various, weird, unlike, distinctive, divergent, diverse, far cry, contrasting, colourfulm contradistinct, antithetic, contradistinctive, peculiar, particular, rar, something else, special, startling, uncommon, unconventional, unique, unusual, omnifarious qualities, multifarious, variegated, incongruous, diversified,cool, divine, glorious, great, groovy, hot, incomparable, keen, magnificent, marvelous, matchless, neat, outstanding, peerless, sensational, smashing, superb, terrific, topnotch, wonderful, ace, admirable, august, best, breathtaking, choice, elegant, elevated, exalted, excellent, exquisite, fab, fine, glorious, gorgeous, grand, greatest, in orbit, lofty, magnificent, majestic, marvelous, matchless, noble, optimal, optimum, outstanding, peerless, prime, proud, rad, resplendent, solid, splendid, splendiferous, splendorous, standout, state-of-the-art, stunning, sublime, super, superior, superlative, tops, unrivaled.....im a bit toooooo mch....

My Birthday: 30 Nov
I Am Here For:
Relationship Status: Prefer not to say
My Sexual Orientation: Straight
My Race:
My Religion: Sikh
My Body
Height: Prefer not to say
Complexion: Fair
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Prefer not to say
Body type: Prefer not to say
Excercise: Love my body the way it is
What i love to Eat and Drink ?
Smoking: Light Smoker
Drinking: Light/social drinker
Cuisines: Non-Vegetarian
My Education and Occupation.
Education High School
Occupation Student
What I am Looking For in Friends and What i Hate Most ?
What Turns on: girls
What Turn Off:


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