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Prawn Sushi (Prawn Nigri)

Prawn Sushi (Prawn Nigri)

Course : Appetizers
Regions : Asian
Servings : 4
Cooking Time : 20 Minutes

Chef Gautam Kumar
Shrimp Medium (uncooked) 8 no
Wasabi Paste 50 g
Tooth Pick 8 no
Hand Vinegar  
Rice Vinegar 2 Tablespoon
Water 60 ml (Half Cup)
Cooked Vineyard Rice. 0ne third of total portion
Accompaniments (To Serve)
Pickled Ginger
Japanese Soy Sauce
Sushi Rolling Mat (Makisu)


  1. Make the Vinegared rice (sumeshi) (see the Recipe), mix the hand vinegar in a small bowl and keep aside.

  2. Skewers a toothpick through shrimp from top to tail to prevent curling or keep prawn straight, blanch it hot water for 2 minutes take out when it turns into pink and immediately cool in running water. Remove the tooth pick, shell and back vain, Make a slit up the belly lengthwise and open cut.

  3. Mix wasabi powder with water to a paste of muddy (clay - like) consistency.

  4. Wet hand with in hand vinegar mixture, Take a handful (2-3 tablespoon) of cooked Vineyard Rice on one hand and mould into a rectangular cylinder shape of approximately 2 X 1 X 1 inch. Put a little (tiny) bit of wasabi paste on top and cover with an open shrimp.